This website provides a fan translation of the Playstation 2 game Akai Ito.


A knock at the door...

Lights out...

A while after I lay on the futon.

I'm at least sleepy enough to leak out a yawn, but somehow I just can't fall asleep.

However, my eyes aren't exactly peeled, either. In a consciousness somewhere between awake and dreaming, a whimsical thought runs through my head.

It's been some time since then. I wonder if Uzuki-san is still chasing after Kei-kun.

I wonder if they came to blows by now.

What if she has such a bad wound that she can't come back?

Eventually, only horrible thoughts fill my head, and I am restless with worry.

Without the talismans, I'd be worrying more than enough about myself, but now that worry seems to have passed over to Uzuki-san.

I wonder if the wind is that strong. I can hear a sound at the door.

Right... if the weather's that bad, it only makes me worry more. The weather was so good this afternoon, but the shower yesterday evening was also amazing, wasn't it?

I wonder if Uzuki-san really is okay...

---: ......-san.

Now I'm so worried, it seems I'm even hearing voices.

Uzuki: Kei......-san......

That's not my mind. I heard a voice.

There is a weak knock at the door, almost smothering the voice as it continues.

Uzuki: ......Kei-san...... here...... could you open this door......?


I'm not going to open it. Go at it with doubt.