This website provides a fan translation of the Playstation 2 game Akai Ito.


Breaking Bubble

Nozomi: Kei......

Like a cat coming to sit on my lap, a soft weight closes over me.

Not heavy enough to be called heavy, but I am unable to brush it off.

Nozomi: Ufufu, so smooth. A world of difference from last night's prey. You truly are a feast.

Kei: Ah......

The space before my eyes degrades into darkness... consciousness, sinking down into a dark place...

...and at its opposite, something like a bubble floats up from the dark.

It is probably what you would call a memory.

If it manages to touch my consciousness, then I'll relive a moment from the past.

There are many things I don't remember, so maybe it could be one of those...?

My senses, sinking down, touch against the rising bubbles.
