This website provides a fan translation of the Playstation 2 game Akai Ito.


Going to pick some flowers?

Kei: ......Senba...... Udzuki-san?

Senba: And you are of the Hazama------ Hatou Kei-san.

Kei: Come on... please don't scare me like that!

Senba: I apologize for scaring you. I had sensed the presence of an oni------ something inhuman, in this direction.

Kei: Oni......

Sakuya: Oh well, I hate to be the one to say it, but in an emergency, you can at least count on her as a guard dog......

Could it be that Senba-san... is a person who banishes oni with that tachi she's holding?

With three points: her words, what she's holding, and Sakuya-san's witness as a basis; is it still too hasty to come to that conclusion?

Kei: Senba-san, are you a person who banishes oni?

Before I know it, that inference passes my lips unchanged. If the inference itself isn't hasty, then asking it certainly is.

Senba: I am an Onikiri-Yaku of the Onikiribe. Just as you say, slaying oni is what I do for a living, however......

Senba: Have you heard this already from Sakuya-san?

Kei: No, it was just a guess, really.

Senba: Normally, any time I drop the word "oni," people are unlikely to take me seriously, you see.

Kei: Ahaha......

As the person who thought off the bat that she was an oni banisher, I'm not quite sure how to respond to that.

Senba: So then, Hatou-san, exactly what is it that brings you to a place like this, this late at night?

Kei: Ah, I was at the river bank over there, lighting------
